Cuthaugula Coahuila Tribe

Portrit 4

Maipuri Arauan Nation Tribal Federation


Tribal Government

Indigenous Family Registry


Tribal Law

Tribal Legal Family Advocacy

Tribal Commerce

Tribal Chamber of Commerce


Trubian Village Tribal Land Trust

Tribal Land

Tribal Land Development

Trubian Village Youth Academy

Grade School K - 12

Trubian Village Tribal University

Tribal University

Tribal Handbook

Trubian Village tribal society.   


Cuthaugula Coahuila

Tribal Family Federation

Cuthaugula Coahuila

Tribal Trust Charters

Tribal Family Federation

DALL·E 2024-01-26 07.32.14 - Create a vibrant and detailed logo for a seal that emphasizes the African features of the subjects_ a Black Native American girl and a Black Native Am
DALL·E 2024-01-26 07.37.29 - Create a vibrant and detailed logo for a seal, with a stronger emphasis on the Afro-Indigenous features of the subjects_ a Black Native American boy a
Trubian Village American Indian Cultural Equity Foundation
The Trubian Village American Indian Cultural Equity Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to promote the rights and interests of Indigenous American families. Founded in 2014, the foundation works to provide resources and support to Indigenous American families in order to help them achieve greater economic and social equity. The foundation also works to educate the public about the history and culture of Indigenous Americans, as well as to advocate for the rights of Indigenous Americans in the United States. The Trubian Village American Indian Cultural Equity Foundation works to provide resources and support to Indigenous American communities in a variety of ways. The foundation provides grants and scholarships to Indigenous American students, as well as funding for community projects and initiatives. The foundation also works to raise awareness about the issues facing Indigenous American families, such as poverty, lack of access to healthcare, and environmental degradation. In addition, the foundation works to promote the rights of Indigenous Americans in the United States, such as the right to access public services. The Trubian Village American Indian Cultural Equity Foundation is an important organization that works to promote the rights and interests of Indigenous American families. The foundation works to provide resources and support to Indigenous American families, as well as to raise awareness about the issues facing Indigenous American families. In addition, the foundation works to promote the rights of Native Americans in the United States. By supporting the Trubian Village American Indian Cultural Equity Foundation, individuals can help to promote the rights and interests of Native American communities.



 Cultural Economic Bloodline Domain

Trubian Village Cultural Equity Foundation & Academy
Trubian Village Cultural Equity Foundation & Academy: Global Pan-Indigenous Tribal Alliance Initiative Mission Statement: The Trubian Village Cultural Equity Foundation & Academy proudly launches the Global Pan-Indigenous Tribal Alliance Initiative, an ambitious effort aimed at fostering the empowerment of indigenous communities worldwide. This initiative is committed to promoting sustainable development, cultural preservation, and economic self-sufficiency by uniting the diverse voices and wisdom of Indigenous peoples in a collective pursuit of autonomy and prosperity on their ancestral lands. Vision and Core Principles: Empowerment through Land Ownership: Facilitate the collective purchase of land by Indigenous families through the establishment of a tribal land trust, thereby enhancing economic self-sustainability and cultural preservation. Sustainable Community Development: Construct eco-friendly housing and community centers utilizing sandbag and earthship technologies, with an overarching commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability. Cultural and Economic Self-Determination: Create a tribal regulatory framework for goods and services that aligns with Indigenous cultural values and promotes economic self-sufficiency. Strategic Plan: Formation of the Intertribal Land Trust: Develop the Trubian Earth Village Intertribal Land Trust, incorporating diverse legal and governance structures to support collective land ownership and management. Land Acquisition and Allocation: Design land allocation processes that are flexible and equitable, addressing the unique needs of each participating family and ensuring a balance between individual and community needs. Infrastructure Development: Construct residential areas, develop communal agriculture, and establish community facilities that encourage cultural, educational, and social engagement. Economic and Cultural Hub (Capital Village): Establish a central hub for tribal governance and commerce, fostering economic innovation and providing spaces for cultural exchange. Integrated Development Approach: Promote connectivity between communities, prioritize sustainable development practices, and encourage community participation in governance and cultural preservation. Operation and Implementation: Phase 1: Set up the necessary legal and financial frameworks for the Tribal Land Trust and initiate land acquisition. Phase 2: Begin building infrastructure with a focus on eco-friendly and sustainable practices. Phase 3: Develop the capital village as the central administrative and economic center. Phase 4: Expand community facilities and enhance opportunities for economic growth, while maintaining a focus on cultural sustainability. Conclusion: Through the Global Pan-Indigenous Tribal Alliance Initiative, the Trubian Village Cultural Equity Foundation & Academy aims to unify and strengthen Indigenous communities globally. By building self-reliant, eco-conscious, and culturally vibrant communities, this initiative lays a foundational stone for the enduring prosperity and empowerment of Indigenous peoples.



 Cultural Economic Bloodline Domain