Cuthaugula Coahuila Tribe

Portrit 4

Maipuri Arauan Nation Tribal Federation


DALL·E 2024-01-26 06.16.03 - Create a vibrant, detailed logo for Trubian Village, featuring a Black woman holding the scales of justice. The background should include a lush fores

Trubian Village

Tribal Family Trust System

System of Operation


I. Governance Structure

Foundational Trust: Cuthaugula Coahuila Tribal Family Constitution Trust Charter

  • Purpose:

    • The Cuthaugula Coahuila Tribal Family Constitution Trust Charter serves as the legal and sovereign foundation for the tribe. It provides the primary constitutional framework for all subsidiary trusts, establishing a unified legal entity that encapsulates the tribe’s governance, cultural heritage, and community rights.

  • Operations:

    • This trust manages and enforces the legal standards, rights, and protections for all tribe members. It ensures compliance with both tribal and applicable international laws, overseeing the execution of governance and the administration of justice within the tribe. It acts as the central authority from which all other trusts derive their operational legitimacy and guidelines.

Subsidiary Trusts

  1. Family Trusts

    • Creation:

      • Each family within the tribe has the authority to establish its own trust. This enables families to manage their assets and affairs in a manner that aligns with the tribal laws and cultural practices, while also ensuring that each family’s unique heritage and needs are respected and preserved.

    • Role:

      • These family trusts are direct beneficiaries of the main constitutional trust, receiving legal protections and benefits under its jurisdiction. As beneficiaries, they are entitled to protection of their rights, access to communal resources, and support from the tribal government in legal and financial matters.

  2. Trubian Village Tribal Land Trust

    • Formation:

      • The Trubian Village Tribal Land Trust is formed through the collective effort of multiple family trusts coming together to purchase land. This collaborative approach not only fosters community engagement and unity but also facilitates the strategic expansion of tribal lands under a common legal and operational framework.

    • Function:

      • This trust governs land use and management across the acquired territories, ensuring that all land use practices are sustainable, culturally appropriate, and in line with tribal development goals. It places all purchased lands under tribal jurisdiction, securing them as tribal assets for current and future generations.

    • Governance:

      • Each family trust that participates in the land purchase nominates a representative to the board of the Trubian Village Tribal Land Trust. This structure ensures that every investing family has a say in the decision-making processes regarding their collective land investment. It promotes transparency, accountability, and mutual respect among the families, aligning with the broader objectives of tribal governance and community development.

II. Financial System

Fee Structure

  1. Registration Fee:

    • Upon joining the trust, a one-time registration fee is charged to each family or entity. This fee is non-refundable and is intended to affirm the commitment of new members to the tribe and its operations. It also provides initial capital that supports the administrative costs of integrating new members into the tribal system.

  2. Monthly Contributions:

    • Members of the tribe are required to make regular monthly contributions. These payments are crucial for the continuous support of trust operations and the maintenance of tribal facilities and services. The contributions are structured to address both national and community-level needs, ensuring balanced development across all tribal territories.

Fund Allocation

  1. National Tribal Bank:

    • A significant portion of the monthly contributions is deposited into the National Tribal Bank. This centralized financial institution manages the tribe's collective funds and allocates resources for overarching tribal needs such as large-scale infrastructure projects, tribal government operations, emergency funds, and other critical national initiatives. The bank plays a pivotal role in ensuring financial stability and sustainability for the tribe, enabling strategic long-term planning and investment.

  2. Trubian Viilage Tribal Land Trust

  3. Community Bank:

    • Contributions are also directed to the TV Tribal Land Trust Charter Community Bank, which focuses on local development and specific needs of each trust charter. This decentralized banking structure allows for tailored financial support that addresses the unique circumstances and priorities of different tribal communities within the larger federation. It funds local projects like community centers, educational programs, and smaller infrastructure improvements that directly benefit the daily lives of tribe members residing in those specific areas.

This financial system is designed to ensure that both the centralized and localized needs of the tribe are adequately funded and managed. It allows for a diversified investment in both national and community projects, ensuring equitable development and the financial well-being of all tribe members.

III. Legal Compliance and Recognition

Adherence to International and Indigenous Law

  1. Respect for Applicable Laws:

    • The Trubian Village family self-government trust system is committed to respecting and incorporating applicable international and indigenous laws, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and various international treaties and agreements. This commitment ensures that the tribe’s activities are globally recognized and legally sound, providing a strong foundation for international cooperation and advocacy.

  2. Alignment with Global Indigenous Rights and Sovereignty Protections:

    • The trust’s legal framework is specifically designed to align with global standards on indigenous rights and sovereignty protections. This alignment not only reinforces the tribe's legal standing in international contexts but also empowers the tribe to maintain and assert its sovereignty, manage its resources, and preserve its cultural heritage with full legal backing.

Internal Legal Framework

  1. Comprehensive Legal System:

    • Within the tribe, a structured legal system is established to cover all aspects of tribal life, from land management and environmental conservation to civil disputes and contractual agreements. This system is based on the tribe’s own constitutional laws, which are developed to reflect the tribe’s values, traditions, and governance structure.

  2. Operational Jurisdiction:

    • The internal legal framework grants the tribe operational jurisdiction over its lands and members. This includes the enforcement of laws, the administration of justice through tribal courts, and the resolution of disputes according to tribal legal principles and procedures.

  3. Legal Services and Support:

    • To support the enforcement of its legal framework, the tribe provides legal services and support to its members. This includes legal education to ensure that all members understand their rights and obligations under the tribe’s laws, as well as access to legal representation in both tribal and external legal matters.

  4. Continuous Legal Education and Reform:

    • Recognizing the dynamic nature of law and governance, the tribe invests in continuous legal education for its leaders and community members. This ensures that the tribe’s laws evolve in response to new challenges and opportunities, maintaining relevance and effectiveness. Legal reform initiatives are regularly undertaken to update and improve the legal system, ensuring that it meets the current and future needs of the tribe.

This section of the system of operation emphasizes the importance of a robust legal framework for the governance and sustainability of the tribe, providing the necessary tools to navigate both internal and external legal landscapes effectively.

IV. Development Initiatives

Infrastructure Development

  1. Building Essential Services:

    • The Trubian Village trust system prioritizes the development of essential infrastructure such as roads, utilities (water, electricity, and sanitation), and public buildings (community centers, administrative offices, and healthcare facilities). This initiative is essential for fostering a self-sustaining community that can support its members’ needs internally, reducing dependency on external systems and enhancing the tribe’s autonomy.

  2. Sustainability and Accessibility:

    • Infrastructure projects are designed with sustainability in mind, using environmentally friendly materials and technologies where possible. Efforts are made to ensure that these facilities are accessible to all members of the tribe, considering factors like location, ease of use, and cultural appropriateness.

  3. Community Involvement and Employment:

    • The tribe involves community members in the planning and construction phases of infrastructure projects. This not only ensures that the outcomes meet the specific needs of the community but also provides employment opportunities, enhancing skills and building capacity within the tribe.

Economic Development

  1. Sustainable Economic Practices:

    • Economic development initiatives focus on leveraging the tribe’s natural and cultural resources in a manner that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. This includes agricultural projects that use traditional farming techniques adapted to modern ecological standards, as well as the development of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.

  2. Cultural and Environmental Alignment:

    • All economic activities are regulated to ensure they align with the tribe’s cultural values and environmental conservation goals. This regulatory framework helps maintain the ecological balance and cultural integrity of the tribal lands, ensuring that development does not compromise the tribe’s heritage or the natural resources upon which they depend.

  3. Economic Self-Sufficiency:

    • The ultimate goal of these initiatives is to create an economically self-sufficient community that can generate its own income and manage its financial needs independently. This includes developing local markets, promoting tribal products and services, and possibly engaging in trade with other communities and markets.

  4. Education and Training:

    • To support economic development, the tribe offers education and training programs that focus on skills necessary for the current and future job markets. These programs are tailored to the needs of the tribe and include both traditional skills, such as craftwork and herbal medicine, and modern skills, like information technology and business management.

  5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

    • Members are encouraged to initiate and participate in entrepreneurial ventures that contribute to the tribe's economy. Support in the form of microloans, mentorship, and access to markets is provided to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the community.

These development initiatives are crucial for the tribe's long-term sustainability and autonomy. By focusing on both infrastructure and economic development, the Trubian Village aims to build a robust, thriving community that respects its cultural roots while embracing sustainable progress.

V. Cultural and Educational Programs

Trubian Village Cultural Equity Foundation & Academy

  1. Cultural Hub:

    • The Trubian Village Cultural Equity Foundation & Academy functions as the central cultural hub for the tribe, dedicated to preserving and promoting tribal customs, traditions, and arts. It serves as a living museum and learning center where cultural heritage is actively maintained, celebrated, and transmitted to both tribe members and visitors.

  2. Preservation of Traditions:

    • The foundation actively collects, documents, and exhibits tribal artifacts, stories, music, dance, and traditional practices. By preserving these elements, the foundation ensures that they remain a vibrant part of the tribal identity and are not lost to future generations.

  3. Integration into Educational Curriculum:

    • Cultural teachings are integrated into the educational curriculum at all levels, from primary education at the Trubian Village Tribal University to community workshops and seminars. This integration ensures that every member of the tribe, regardless of age, has a deep understanding of their cultural roots and the skills needed to preserve and evolve those traditions.

  4. Cultural Exchange and Collaboration:

    • The foundation also facilitates cultural exchanges with other tribes and cultural groups, enhancing mutual understanding and fostering relationships that can lead to collaborative projects and cultural enrichment.

Educational Outreach

  1. Trubian Village Tribal University:

    • The Trubian Village Tribal University is a cornerstone of the tribe’s educational system, offering courses that range from general education to specialized programs focusing on tribal law, agriculture, environmental stewardship, and traditional healing practices.

    • The university serves as a key institution for higher learning and research, providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead and support their community effectively.

  2. Teaching Tribal Law and Governance:

    • A significant focus of the educational outreach involves teaching tribal law and governance systems, ensuring that members understand their rights and responsibilities within the tribe and in wider legal contexts. This education is crucial for maintaining self-governance and empowering members to participate actively in tribal affairs.

  3. Agriculture and Environmental Management:

    • Programs in sustainable agriculture and environmental management teach members how to utilize and protect natural resources responsibly. These programs are tailored to the tribe’s specific environmental conditions and traditional practices, combining ancient wisdom with modern sustainable techniques.

  4. Preservation of Traditional Practices:

    • Educational programs also focus on the preservation and practice of traditional skills and crafts, such as weaving, pottery, and herbal medicine. These skills are not only culturally significant but also offer economic opportunities for community members.

  5. Generational Knowledge Transfer:

    • All educational initiatives are designed to ensure generational knowledge transfer, preparing youth to inherit and continue the cultural and governance legacies of their ancestors. This is achieved through mentorship programs, apprenticeships, and active participation in cultural and governance practices from a young age.

  6. Community Workshops and Seminars:

    • Regular workshops and seminars are held to engage the community in ongoing education and discussions on topics relevant to their lives and the future of the tribe. These events provide spaces for learning, dialogue, and community bonding.

These cultural and educational programs are fundamental to maintaining the tribe’s identity, sovereignty, and continuity. They provide the framework for a vibrant, educated community that values its heritage while looking forward to a sustainable future.

VI. Participation and Engagement

Board of Trustees

  1. Composition and Representation:

    • The Board of Trustees for the Trubian Village Tribal Land Trust is composed of members selected from each participating family trust. This structure ensures that each family has direct representation in the trust, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards communal resources and decisions.

  2. Oversight Responsibilities:

    • The board is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Trubian Village Tribal Land Trust, which includes managing land use, overseeing development projects, and ensuring the sustainability of resources. They implement decisions that align with the tribe's long-term goals and environmental stewardship values.

  3. Democratic Participation:

    • The Board of Trustees operates under democratic principles, with each member having equal say in the decision-making process. This ensures that decisions regarding land use and community development are made collectively, reflecting the diverse perspectives and interests of all participating families.

  4. Transparency and Accountability:

    • Regular reporting and open meetings are standard practices, ensuring that all actions taken by the board are transparent and accountable to the broader tribal community. This openness builds trust and encourages active participation from all members.

Community Involvement

  1. Regular Meetings:

    • The tribe holds regular meetings and consultations with community members to discuss developments, potential amendments, and policy changes. These meetings are essential for keeping the community informed and involved in the governance processes that affect their lives.

  2. Feedback and Consultation:

    • Community meetings provide a platform for members to voice their concerns, offer feedback, and propose new ideas. This feedback is crucial for the governance bodies to adjust policies and operations in response to the community's needs and preferences.

  3. Inclusive Decision-Making:

    • In an effort to ensure that all segments of the community are represented and have a voice in decision-making, special efforts are made to include traditionally underrepresented groups, such as youth, women, and elders, in consultations and governance processes.

  4. Community Voting and Referendums:

    • For major decisions that significantly impact the community, the tribe may hold votes or referendums to ensure that the broader population has a direct say in these matters. This democratic approach reinforces the principle of self-governance and communal responsibility.

  5. Educational Outreach:

    • To prepare members for active participation, the tribe conducts educational outreach programs that inform members about their rights, the governance structure, and how they can engage effectively in the tribe’s operations. These programs are aimed at building an informed and engaged citizenry capable of contributing meaningfully to the tribe’s development.

  6. Volunteer Opportunities:

    • Encouraging volunteerism within the community for various projects and initiatives helps build a sense of community and personal investment in the tribe's success. These opportunities allow members to gain hands-on experience and contribute their skills to collective efforts.

Participation and engagement are foundational to the governance model of the Trubian Village. By involving every member in the decision-making processes and ensuring that governance is transparent, inclusive, and accountable, the tribe fosters a strong, united community that can thrive sustainably into the future.

VII. Record Keeping and Transparency

Comprehensive Record System

  1. Detailed Record-Keeping:

    • The tribe implements a comprehensive record system designed to meticulously document all decisions, transactions, and operational activities within the trust system. This includes records of board meetings, financial transactions, land management decisions, educational programs, and community engagement initiatives.

  2. Accessibility of Records:

    • Records are made accessible to all tribe members to ensure transparency. This accessibility supports a transparent governance environment where members can review decisions and processes, fostering a culture of trust and accountability. Certain sensitive records may be restricted to relevant authorities to protect privacy and security but are still subject to oversight by designated tribal officials.

  3. Digital and Physical Archiving:

    • To safeguard the integrity and longevity of records, the tribe utilizes both digital and physical archiving systems. Digital systems offer convenience and accessibility, while physical archives provide security and durability, especially for critical historical documents and legal papers.

  4. Regular Updates and Backups:

    • Regular updates and backups are part of the record-keeping protocol to prevent data loss and ensure that all information remains up-to-date and accurate. This practice is crucial for maintaining continuity and reliability in record management.

Ensuring Accountability and Transparency

  1. Audit and Oversight Mechanisms:

    • Regular audits are conducted to review the handling of finances, resource management, and operational practices. These audits are performed by internal auditors or external independent auditors to ensure objectivity. The findings are reported to the Board of Trustees and shared with the community to maintain high standards of accountability.

  2. Open Meetings and Public Reports:

    • The tribe holds open meetings where decisions and policies are discussed and formulated. These meetings are often recorded and made available for public viewing. Regular public reports on activities, financial status, and development projects are also published to keep the community informed and engaged.

  3. Feedback and Grievance Redressal Systems:

    • A formal system for feedback and grievance redressal is established to address any concerns related to mismanagement or misconduct. This system allows tribe members to report issues confidentially and ensures that all complaints are investigated thoroughly and resolved fairly.

  4. Training and Education on Transparency:

    • Training programs are provided for all individuals involved in governance, management, and operational roles within the tribe. These programs focus on best practices in record-keeping, ethical conduct, and transparency, ensuring that all personnel are equipped to uphold the tribe’s standards.

  5. Performance Monitoring:

    • Regular performance reviews of the trust’s operations and its leadership are conducted to ensure that all responsibilities are being met efficiently and effectively. Performance metrics are aligned with the tribe’s goals and objectives, providing clear benchmarks for success and areas for improvement.

The robust system of record-keeping and transparency is designed to ensure that the Trubian Village trust system operates with integrity and accountability. By maintaining detailed records and being transparent in its operations, the tribe builds trust and ensures effective governance, enabling it to meet the needs and aspirations of its community sustainably.

VIII. Amendments and Revisions

Periodic Review

  1. Scheduled Reviews:

    • The constitution and trust charters of the Trubian Village are subject to scheduled periodic reviews. These reviews are essential to ensure that the governing documents remain relevant and effective in addressing the changing needs of the community and adapting to new legal and environmental challenges.

  2. Scope of Reviews:

    • These reviews encompass a comprehensive examination of all aspects of the trust charters and the constitution, including governance structures, financial systems, legal frameworks, and cultural directives. The aim is to identify areas that may require updates due to shifts in community dynamics, legal standards, or tribal objectives.

  3. Involvement of Experts and Stakeholders:

    • The review process involves not only tribal leaders and legal experts but also stakeholders from all segments of the community. This inclusive approach ensures that the amendments consider diverse perspectives and expertise, enhancing the overall robustness and applicability of the revised documents.

Encouraging Participation

  1. Community Consultations:

    • Regular community consultations are held to gather input from all tribal members regarding potential changes to the constitution and trust charters. These consultations are designed to be accessible and engaging, encouraging open discussion and the expression of ideas and concerns.

  2. Workshops and Educational Sessions:

    • Workshops and educational sessions are organized to help community members understand the implications of proposed changes. These sessions aim to build knowledge and capacity within the tribe, ensuring that members are well-informed and equipped to participate actively in the amendment process.

  3. Voting and Ratification:

    • Significant amendments undergo a voting process where all eligible tribal members can cast their vote. This democratic process ensures that any changes to the constitution or trust charters have broad support and reflect the collective will of the community.

  4. Feedback and Iteration:

    • Feedback mechanisms are integrated into the review process, allowing for ongoing refinement of proposed amendments. This iterative process helps to fine-tune changes, ensuring they effectively address the needs and preferences identified during community consultations.


This system of operation for the Trubian Village trust system is designed to address key aspects of governance, financial management, legal compliance, and cultural preservation comprehensively. By institutionalizing periodic reviews and fostering active community participation, the system ensures adaptability and responsiveness to both internal community dynamics and external environmental and legal changes. Ultimately, these practices aim to maintain a strong, interconnected tribal community that is legally empowered, culturally preserved, and economically sustainable. This structured approach ensures the tribe's longevity and relevance, supporting a vibrant future for all its members.